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September 5,2024.

Surface ligand regulated iron oxide nanoparticles for medical applications

The clearance kinetics of functional inorganic nanoparticles are generally slow, which may pose potential biosafety issues for in vivo applications. One possible elimination pathway for inorganic nanoparticles is renal clearance, but the effectivenes...

September 5,2024.

Superparamagnetic composite hydrogel scaffold for dynamic monitoring in vivo of osteoarthritis regeneration

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common disease characterized by subchondral fractures in its early stages, and there is currently no precise and specific treatment method available. On June 14, 2024, Advanced Materials reported that researchers synthesized ...

August 15,2024.

Iron tetroxide probe for high-resolution magnetic sensitive weighted imaging

Accurate imaging of collateral circulation and ischemic penumbra is crucial for the diagnosis and treatment of acute ischemic stroke (AIS). Unfortunately, there is currently a lack of high-sensitivity and high-resolution in vivo imaging technology to...

July 23,2024.

3D printable elastomers with exceptional strength and toughness

The combination of flexibility and elasticity makes elastomers essential in a wide range of industries, including automobiles, construction, and consumer goods. In addition, they are becoming increasingly attractive in emerging fields such as microfl...

July 9,2024.

Self assembling high sensitivity AgNPs based paperboard for detecting pharmaceutical pollutants

Silver nanoparticles are widely used as reagents for enhancing Raman scattering in SERS due to their stability and excellent enhancement properties. On March 29, 2024, Nano Convergence reported an economically efficient, easy to operate, and environm...

July 9,2024.

Arginine modified chitosan composite silver loaded MMT synergistically antibacterial for food preservation

Silver based materials have strong antibacterial properties, but their potential toxicity issues cannot be underestimated. Therefore, it is urgent to construct a safe and non resistant dual antibacterial system. On June 6, 2024, Food Hydroloids repor...

July 9,2024.

One step synthesis of multifunctional intelligent textiles by spraying AgNPs/CNTs solution

The integration of nanotechnology and textile engineering has promoted the development and performance improvement of multifunctional intelligent materials in various application fields. On June 13, 2024, the Chemical Engineering Journal reported tha...

June 25,2024.

The effect of surface coating of gold nanoparticles on surrounding protein corona

The application of various inorganic nanoparticles in the fields of biology and medicine has always been of great concern. However, due to non-specific interactions, nanoparticles can form protein corona in biological media, posing obstacles to the t...

June 25,2024.

Gold nanoparticles exert anti osteoarthritis effects by regulating the

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a common degenerative joint disease that can lead to severe pain, motor dysfunction, and even disability. An increasing number of studies have shown that improving the imbalance of gut microbiota in OA and increasing the conten...

June 25,2024.

Conductive polymer modified gold nanoparticle thin film improves neural electrode interface

Implantable neural microelectrodes are considered as a bridge for information exchange between internal organisms and external devices. The long-term reliability of electrode interface function not only depends on its biocompatibility, but also plays...

  • Ultra-high density semiconductor type single-walled carbon nanotube horizontal array

    October 20,2018.

    ChinaPeking Universitycooperate with Chinese Academy of Sciencesto use ethanol / methanebychemical vapor deposition method to get ultrahigh-density semiconductor array level of single-walled carbon nanotube. Nowadays, as electronic devices become smaller and smaller, silicon transistors have reached the bottleneck of their development. The horizontal array ofsingle-walled carbon nanotubesis regarded as the most powerful successor of future transistors due to its excellent performance. At present, obtaining high-purity, high-density horizontal arrays of single-walled carbon nanotubes is a major challenge for researchers. Although the direct formation of horizontal arrays ofsingle-walled carbon nanotubeson a substrate by chemical vapor deposition is an effective method for realizing high-performance electronic devices, conventional chemical vapor deposition is extremely active due to the generated methane plasma and ultra-high temperature hydrogen atoms. It is difficult to control, and usually results in a low yield of semiconductor-typecarbon nanotubes. Recently, researchers from Peking University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences reported a ethanol / methane chemical vapor deposition of the scientific method to preparesingle-walled carbon nanotube array level. SWNT horizontal array prepared by the method of a semiconductor single-walled carbon nanotube purity of 91% and a density higher than 100 tubes / μm. This method is at a certain temperature, thermal decomposition of ethanol is completely for Trojan-Mo catalyst to provide a carbon atom to generate a high-densitysingle wall carbon nanotubes; and incomplete thermal decomposition of methane is used to provide the free H base metal to prevent the formation of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Ethanol and methane moderate activity, vital high controllability, and the synergistic effect of both high purity and high-density semiconductor single-walled carbon nanotube growth. The study was a large area of high-densitysingle-walled carbon nanotubesynthesis horizontal array of a step forward, showing the potential applications of carbon nanotube electronics.

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  • Water-based ink technology expands the application of carbon nanotubes in heat dissipation

    October 16,2018.

    The development of carbon nanotube water-based thermal printing ink has been successfully developed. This is another new product launched by SAT NANO Co., Ltd. after the carbon nanotube water-based thermal spray coating for consumer electronics cooling. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are the most ideal functional fillers for heat dissipation applications. Known as the darkest substance in the world, CNTs is close to 1, and is one of the best thermal materials in the world. Compared with granular heat-dissipating fillers, fibrous CNTs are more likely to form a heat-conducting network in the coating, which has a significant strengthening and toughening effect on the coating, achieving thin coating, reducing thermal resistance, and exerting the best performance. CNTs water-based heat-dissipating coating is formed on the surface of electronic components by spraying. It has uniform heat, low thermal resistance and high thermal radiation coefficient, which enhances heat dissipation of metal substrate. However, due to its small size and light weight, the electronic components in the mobile phone have low production efficiency and high cost. The development of automation equipment, especially the emergence of high-precision automatic screen printing equipment, not only can achieve automatic printing, but also can customize the graphics, accurately control the thickness of the printing coating, precision <1um, which provides a large-scale application of CNTs for mobile phone cooling. feasibility. SAT NANO successfully applied the water-based ink technology to the surface of the metal strip through the silk screen process to coat the surface of the metal strip with CNTs heat-dissipating coating, so that the metal materials such as white copper/stainless steel/tin iron have excellent heat dissipation performance, and the measured emissivity of the coating is greater than 0.98. Focus on level 0, pencil hardness 3-4H, no change in performance after 100 ° C / 200 hours of aging. With the advent of carbon nanotube water-based heat-dissipating inks, heat-dissipating engineers have been able to solve the pain points that cannot be solved by heat-conducting and heat-reducing materials, and have designed subversive products. At present, first-line mobile phone brands have been applied in large quantities in shields and LED backlights, and many brands are designing and verification. The mobile phone/tablet has multiple RF devices and antennas. The electromagnetic waves cause crosstalk to high-speed semiconductor devices such as CPU/DRAM/FLASH. The shield is made of metal (copper white/stainless steel/tinplate) printed with carbon nanotube heat-dissipating ink. The coating emits heat from the heat generated by the electronics under the shield to ensure stable operation of critical components for a long time. The shielding cover printed with the carbon nanotube heat-dissipating ink does not need to open the vent hole to dissipate heat, and the shielding performance is max...

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  • Power battery pushes up demand for graphite, graphite price is bullish

    October 12,2018.

    As one of the materials of pencils, ink is not unfamiliar to people. However, in the next decade, the demand for graphite will be as high as several million tons per year. Graphite is the core material of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles. The amount of graphite in the anode of the vehicle battery seems to be negligible. However, as American automakers promote electric vehicles, they rely more on the stable supply of graphite, while the Trump administration has imposed 10 on all graphite products imported from China in a new round of Sino-US trade tariffs. % tariff. To this end, China has begun to shut down several important graphite mines, which is not unrelated to the pollution of the industry, unsafe operations, and easy collapse of pits. In fact, with the closure of the mine and regulatory restrictions, China will become the net importer of graphite for the first time. To this end, in the first half of 2018, the price of flake graphite continued to rise. It is worth noting that due to the slight decline in demand for electric vehicle batteries, this is mainly due to the high price of lithium and cobalt, which are the core raw materials for electric vehicle battery. According to a report by Benchmark Minerals Intelligence (BMI), demand for batteries and graphite is expected to increase further in the second half of this year. In addition, BMI expects that by 2028, with the development of the new battery super factory, the capacity increase will reach 860 GWh, which means that during this period, the increase of high-quality flake graphite products will reach 950,000 tons. At present, the annual output of natural graphite is about 1.2 million tons, of which 15-20% of graphite will be used to make electric vehicle batteries. In order to meet the demand for battery anode graphite, an additional 2.5-300 million tons of graphite is required each year. Although the path of growth in demand for electric vehicles seems reasonable, it is currently unable to obtain the required graphite output to drive demand for electric vehicles. So the question is, what happens when the demand for graphite greatly exceeds the current supply? It is now beginning to feel the beginning of the material, and the answer seems clear. SAT nano Technology Material Co., Ltd. supply series of graphite powder with different particle.

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  • Korean researchers have developed a new method for 3D printing carbon nanotubes

    October 8,2018.

    Carbon nanotubes were first produced in the early 1990s. It‘s as the name suggests -- nanoscale carbon tubes. Although they are thousands of times thinner than human hair, their use is very powerful, and carbon nanotubes have good heat transfer properties. Therefore, researchers have been working on carbon nanotubes, and are investigating the incorporation of carbon nanotubes into 3D printing applications, or 3D printing of carbon nanotubes themselves. Korean researchers are working on 3D printed carbon nanotubes for the development of flexible electronics and wearable technology. The Korea Electrician Research Institute (KERI) has developed a new technology for printing high conductivity, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) using liquid ink 3D. The study was documented in the literature entitled "3D Printing of Highly Conductive Carbon Nanotube Microstructures Using Fluid Inks". Researchers say that pushing printed electronics to three dimensions requires advanced additive manufacturing techniques that produce versatile materials and high spatial resolution. In order to achieve smooth 3D printing without any nozzle clogging, the researchers designed a MWNT ink with a uniformly dispersed polyvinylpyrrolidone winding. According to a team led by Seol Seung-kwon, 3D printing technology can further enhance parts by thermal post-processing to achieve high concentrations of MWNTs - up to 75% of various microstructures. There are many practical applications for 3D printing carbon nanotubes. In the study, the researchers showed several electronic components, including sensors, transmitters, and RF inductors. This technology can also be of great value in the manufacture of wearable electronic products, including flexible electronic packages. “The existing 3D printing technology is very limited in use,” Seol explains. “This latest approach will enhance the versatility of the various components required for 3D printing in making future wearable products, making it wearable. Electronic products open up new possibilities." The researchers added: "We expect that the techniques presented in this study will help select different materials in the 3D printing process and increase the freedom of integration of advanced concept devices. It is reported that the researchers include: Jung Hyun Kim, Sanghyeon Lee, Muhammad Wajahat, Hwakyung Jeong, Won Suk Chang, Hee Jin Jeong, Jong-Ryul Jang, Ji Tae Kim, Seung Kwon Seol.

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  • What is the process of applying conductive paint?

    September 4,2018.

    Conductive paint is in the varnish by adding silver, copper, nickel or graphite and other conductive powder, so that the paint has conductivity. Commonly varnishes are polyurethane or acrylic lacquers. Dispersion and dispersing agents are often added to reduce the settling rate of the conductive powders and to disperse them well. To prevent oxidation of conductive powder, but also often add anti-oxidants. Commonly conductive powder is nickel powder. The coating process is as follows 1) Surface preparation. If the molded surface is clean, it can be applied directly. If the release agent is used for molding, degreasing should be carried out with an appropriate solvent or degreasing agent. To improve the adhesion of the paint layer, use fine sandpaper to polish the surface. For foam molded parts, degassing should be carried out 72h to prevent paint layer blistering. 2) Priming. For closing the pores of the plastic surface and improving the adhesion of the paint layer, the primer should be primed. This primer should be compatible with the conductive paint to prevent cracking, peeling, swelling and other defects. 3)Deployment of conductive paint. It should be based on the type of plastic substrate and the requirements of the paint to choose the appropriate paint and thinner. Dilution of paint should be fully stirred. 4) Spraying. General lmm nozzle diameter of spray gun for the general, paint viscosity of l4 ~ 16s (with cone disc viscometer, No2 cup measurement). In order to make the conductive powder suspend well, it is necessary to use a pressurized tank equipped with a propeller for stirring. A minimum value shall be specified because the shielding value of the paint layer is related to the thickness of the paint layer. Paint layer should not be too thick, otherwise it will produce nodules and cracks. Generally 40 to 60 μm. 5) spray paint. From the decorative point of view, and often spray a layer of finish. At this point to prevent the topcoat solvent into the conductive paint layer and erosion of the solvent-sensitive plastic matrix.

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  • How to make the silica dispersion?

    September 4,2018.

    The first step: wetting stage The gas phase white silica, is slowly added to the barrel, the disperser is low-speed mixing, the speed is about 100-300 rpm, dispersed for 5-10 minutes, after the barrel completely wrapped fumed silica, increase the speed rating , so you can reduce the fume fly problem of fumed silica. The second step: high-speed decentralized phase The speed of the disperser is adjusted to 1500-4500 rpm and the linear speed is 15 m / s -20 / s. According to the speed limit of the disperser itself and the viscosity of the resin itself, adjust and disperse properly for 30-60 minutes. Determine the silica dispersion completely: no particles or white spots, with higher transparency, no fog, no white. Fineness: Fineness meter can be measured. Attention questions: As fumed silica is a nano-scale product. The average primary particle size of 7-16 nm, and the presence of aggregated particle size between 1-2 microns, the Van der Waals force between molecules is relatively large, is the most difficult to disperse an aid, it is proposed to disperse the first white gas Carbon black, appropriate to add dispersant or wetting agent to help disperse, so good dispersion, continue to disperse other additives and fillers, it should be noted that the dispersion process, due to thickening effect of fumed silica, making the dispersion Machine rotation process, resulting in relatively large friction, making the temperature of the resin system or local temperature may appear, so pay attention to the cooling problem, especially the epoxy resin system, the local high temperature easily lead to open ring epoxy, Or carbonization and other issues. Dispersing capacity of high-speed dispersion equipment is relatively limited, fine if the fine, then over three-roll machine, grinding machine, sand mill and so on. The finest can be fumed silica powder dispersed to 0.5 microns or less.

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