



  • 08


    What is the main effect of nano silver dispersion and what are its characteristics?

    Efficacy of nano silver: With its properties of inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis, silver ions achieve the purpose of inhibiting bacteria and effectively prevent itching caused by bacteria. Nano silver dipsersion material characteristics: 1.Broad spectrum antibacterial Nano-silver acts on cell membrane proteins, which can directly destroy the binding of bacterial cell membranes to oxygen meta...
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  • 08


    Nano Photocatalyst TiO2 Comprehensive and Effective Antibacterial and Antivirus

    A photocatalyst is also called photocatalysis. Simply, a photocatalytic material undergoes light irradiation and does not change itself but can promote other substances to undergo a chemical reaction. There are many examples of photocatalyst reactions around us. The most typical is The chlorophyll, which plays the most important role in photosynthesis of plants, is a photocatalyst. Photocatalysts ...
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  • 10


    Antibacterial Material Nano Silver Powder can be used in Plastic Packaging Industry

    The antibacterial materials used in the packaging industry are mainly antibacterial plastics, which are used in the form of films, hollow containers and totes. Organic antibacterial agents have been limited in their application in the packaging industry due to their safety issues, while natural antibacterial agents have attracted people's attention with high efficiency and safety. 1. Antibacterial...
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  • 02


    SAT NANO focus on refractory metal tungsten molybdenum tantalum spherical powder for 3D printing

    In recent years, metal 3D printing has become the fastest growing and one of the most promising technologies. It has been successfully applied to aircraft engine parts, medical implants, auto parts, aviation satellite components and other fields, as well as metal 3D printing equipment and applications in China. There are also breakthroughs. SAT NANO has independently researched and developed a ser...
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  • 10


    How to clamp these complex metal 3D printed parts with fixtures

    Many metal 3D printed metal parts need to be machined to produce a precise surface, but because metal 3D printed parts are often lightweight parts with complex geometric shapes, this brings challenges to subsequent machining. When machining metal 3D printed parts, it is necessary to consider whether the rigidity of 3D printing meets the requirements of machining, how to clamp these complicated met...
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  • 23


    Research on the application of nanometer zinc oxide in textile antibacterial industry

    Nano zinc oxide is a new type of multifunctional fine inorganic material. Due to the small particle size, the nano-zinc oxide powder produces surface effects, small size effects, quantum effects and macro-quantum tunneling effects that the bulk material does not have, and exhibits many special properties. Such as non-toxic, non-migration, Fluorescence, piezoelectricity, antibacterial deodorization...
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  • 22


    What is the effect of antibacterial nano zinc oxide on textile fabrics

    Nano zinc oxide materials have been successfully applied to textiles in many fields such as medical, health, and health care. The antibacterial mechanism of nano zinc oxide is actually the result of the combined action of photocatalysis and metal ion dissolution. Finishing process: weigh 3g low poly sodium polyacrylate, adjust the pH to 9-10 with 10% ammonia water, add 80g water and 1.5g nano zinc...
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  • 16


    3D printing for Medical parts

    Dental restoration parts customization Solution 1. Personalized and complex geometric products are the areas where metal 3D printing technology is best at, ensuring a good match with the patient’s mouth, and the surface roughness of the parts is very suitable for the adhesion between the ceramic outer layer and the body 2. Cobalt-chromium alloy is used for printing materials, which has good biolog...
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  • 21


    3D printing for Mold making

    Mould of car blower impeller solution 1. The conformal waterway design that fits the wall surface has a cooling effect that traditional waterways can’t match and improves production efficiency. 2. The well-distributed conformal waterway design provides outstanding cooling consistency, ensures uniform shrinkage of the product, and improves product quality 3. The integrated printing and processing m...
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  • 21


    3D printing for Aerospace part

    Aerospace super alloy parts processing solution 1. With traditional craftsmanship in aviation blade manufacturing and processing problems, metal 3D printing technology can solve the problem ingeniously 2. At the same time, under the premise of ensuring the function, the primary requirement of the lightweight aerospace industry for parts, metal 3D printing technology can easily realize the lightwei...
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  • 14


    Nano cuprous oxide Cu2O-a standout in the field of high-end antibacterial

    Nano cuprous oxide Cu2O is a kind of photoelectric material with a wide range of uses. The main uses are as follows: Nano cuprous oxide Cu2O is used as anti-fouling primer for ships in the coating industry to prevent marine organisms from adhering to the bottom of ships; Nano cuprous oxide Cu2O is used as a colorant for red glass and red enamel in the glass and ceramic industries; Nano cuprous oxi...
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  • 14


    The antibacterial performance of nano copper oxide CuO on some bacteria can be as high as over 99.9%

    Because nano copper oxide CuO is a p-type semiconductor, it has holes (CuO) +, which may interact with the environment and play an antibacterial or antibacterial effect. Studies have shown that nano CuO has good antibacterial ability against pneumonia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The antibacterial process of metal oxide nano-copper oxide CuO can be simply described as: under the excitation of light...
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