Titanium diboride nanopowder has the characteristics of high melting point and high hardness, and is resistant to molten metal corrosion, and is often used for preparing composite ceramics. A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Reseach), Singapore's largest research institute, has successfully improved the strength and thermal properties of materials by adding titanium diboride to nickel-base...
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The application of nanomaterials in surface engineering is mostly to stabilize the nanoparticle dispersion in the organic medium. For example, the workpiece is ground and the antifriction material is dispersed in the lubricating oil in an appropriate manner. The ultrafine polishing liquid is nanometer SiO2, nanometer. Lubricants for nanoparticles such as Al2O3, nano-MoS2, nano-Cr2o3, and nano-diam...
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